Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Root Canal Treatment

Only boys seem to laugh when i tell them i got it done yesterday.

I was scared oh so scared, but i have to say, the needle didn't hurt, the drilling didn't hurt, and nothing really did except for the after pain. If any of you don't really know what root canal is, ill explain.

1. A long time ago i had an ice skating accident that i wont get into right now, but i snapped my front to teeth off half way up. So i had crowns put over the top for about 5 years now, and 5 years later all crazy things happened which made my tooth just die inside, now.
2. I needed root canal to clean all the stuff outta my tooth because it was already dead.
3. They drill a hole in my tooth until it reaches the nerve space, or none or me lol.
4. They clean it out with these long weird wire things.
5. And then they seal it up with cement looking stuff.

:) and thats the way i explain things ha ha.

Now you can have the gross/graphic picture in your head :D ILYYY TO ALLL

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